Fr. Wade L. J. Menezes, CPM is a member of the Fathers of Mercy, a missionary preaching Religious Congregation based in Auburn, Kentucky. Ordained a priest during the Great Jubilee Year 2000, he received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Catholic Thought from the Oratory of St. Philip Neri in Toronto, Canada and his dual Master of Arts and Master of Divinity Degrees in Theology from Holy Apostles Seminary in Cromwell, Connecticut, where he also earned an Honorary Doctorate in Moral Theology. His secular college degrees are in journalism and communications.
Fr. Wade has served as the Assistant General and as the Director of Vocations and Director of Seminarians for the Fathers of Mercy. Fr. Wade has also served as the Chaplain-in-Residence at the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament of Our Lady of the Angels Monastery in Hanceville, Alabama. While at the Shrine, Fr. Wade was a daily Mass celebrant, homilist and confessor; he also gave spiritual conferences on specialized points of Catholic Christian doctrine to the many pilgrims who visit the Shrine. Both the Monastery and Shrine are affiliated with EWTN, the Eternal Word Television Network. As an itinerant preacher for the Fathers of Mercy, Fr. Wade has preached throughout the United States, Canada, and Australia.
Fr. Wade has been a contributing writer for the National Catholic Register, Our Sunday Visitor, Catholic Twin Circle, Catholic Faith and Family, The Wanderer, Pastoral Life, The Catholic Faith, Lay Witness, Legatus, and Christian Ranchman publications. Several homiletic series of his have appeared in Homiletic and Pastoral Review, an international journal for Priests. Fr. Wade has also been a guest on various episodes of EWTN’s “Mother Angelica Live” and “Life on the Rock” programs during which he discussed such topics as the sanctification of marriage and family life, vocations, and the Sacred Liturgy. He has also hosted several televised series for EWTN, which have covered such topics as the necessity of the spiritual life, the Four Last Things, the Ten Commandments of Catholic Family Life and the Gospel of Life vs. the Culture of Death. He is also host of the EWTN interstitial series “The Crux of the Matter” and “The Wonders of His Mercy”, and In Defense of the Eucharist. His many theological and doctrinal presentations have been featured on EWTN Global Catholic Radio, Ave Maria Radio, Guadalupe Radio Network, Covenant Network Radio, Catholic Broadcasting Northwest and Voice of Virtue International. He is the author of three books: The Four Last Things: A Catechetical Guide to Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell, Overcoming the Evil Within: The Reality of Sin and the Transforming Power of God’s Grace and Mercy and Catholic Essentials: A Guide to Understanding Key Church Teachings (from EWTN Publishing in conjunction with Sophia Institute Press) Fr. Wade is also the host of EWTN Global Catholic Radio’s “Open Line Tuesday.”
Fr. Wade Menezes's Recent Posts

The Three Acts of the Penitent for Confession

A Prayer for the Forgotten Dead

The “Nine First Fridays” Devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Try A Different Approach To Fasting This Lent

Do You Want To Fast This Lent? (In the Words of Pope Francis…)

The “Five First Saturdays” Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Fr. Wade Menezes Official Mission Photos and Biography

Seven Sorrows and Seven Joys of St. Joseph

Five Norms for the Discernment of Spirits

Plenary Indulgence Options for the Year of St. Joseph

The Year of St. Joseph: Some Basic Facts

Morning Offering to the Most Holy Trinity

The Seven Sorrows & Seven Joys of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Why Does God Ask Us To Pray?

The Ascension of Our Lord Into Heaven

Why We Reserve The Eucharist In Tabernacles

The Seven Last Words of Christ

Three Ways of the Interior Life / Three Stages of the Spiritual Life

How To Make A “Spiritual Communion”

The Spiritual Life: What is it? A Summation

25 (Specifically) Catholic Marriage Tips

Quotes of Our Lord to St. Faustina Concerning the End Times

The Significance of “40” in Sacred Scripture

Some Important Quotes on the Sacrament of Matrimony

Watch Your Thoughts…. Sow A Thought

Valor: Some Synonyms For “Valor” That Inspire Masculine Virtue

And So They Missed Him

The Seven Capital Virtues

Saint-Inspired List of Masculine Virtues

Fourteen Spiritual Exercises to Help Foster the Spiritual Life

Continuing the Spirit of the Jubilee Year of Mercy

God Offers His Mercy Before Exercising His Justice

The Mercy of A Very Personal God

God’s Mercy and the End Times
Mercy Calls Us To Be Other-Centered

Confession and the Jubilee Year of Mercy

Holy Mother Church As A “Field Hospital” For The Wounded

Mercy Requires Acknowledging Sin

Some Concrete Actions for the Jubilee Year of Mercy

Counting Your Letters…And Choosing Them Wisely

Mercy is Who God is. It’s Love’s Second Name

Why Even Celebrate a Jubilee Year of Mercy?

Crux of the Matter – Four Consequences of Sin

Crux of the Matter – The Fourteen Works of Mercy

Diez Mandamientos A Los Que Luchan Con la Escrupulosidad

Crux of the Matter – The Precepts of the Church

Crux of the Matter – The Seven Sacraments and Their Frequency

Crux of the Matter – The Seven Capital Sins, their Virtues and Extremes

Crux of the Matter available in both DVD and written form!
Fr. Wade Menezes's Recent Podcasts

Women of Grace Radio with Fr. Wade Menezes

In Person with Dina Marie featuring Fr. Wade Menezes – Dec. 5, 2016

What’s Your Life’s Storm?

Why Did the Word Become Flesh? – Fr. Wade Menezes

Easter Sunday: Sharing in Divine Life in this Life – Fr. Wade Menezes

The Dignity of Human Labor – Fr. Wade Menezes

Continuing the Theme of the Year of Faith – Fr. Wade Menezes

The Innate Dignity of the Human Person – Fr. Wade Menezes

The Two Great Commandments – Fr. Wade Menezes

Pentecost Homily – Fr. Wade Menezes

Feast of Divine Mercy Homily – Fr. Wade Menezes

Divine Mercy Devotions – Fr. Wade Menezes

Eight Things Jesus Will Not Ask Us on Judgment Day – Fr. Wade Menezes

The Wedding Feast of Cana – Fr. Wade Menezes

Gradual Healing of the Blind Man – Fr. Wade Menezes