May God reward your support of the Fathers of Mercy.
Your tax-deductible donation will assist our community in various ways.
Contribute Online
Use our secure online form to make a one-time or recurring monthly donation using any major credit or debit card.
Contribute Via Post
Write a check or money order to the Fathers of Mercy and mail it to the address below. (U.S. Funds Only)
Fathers of Mercy
806 Shaker Museum Rd.
Auburn, KY 42206
You can specify the fund to which you wish to contribute:
General Fund:
Your Donations assist us in paying for the General Operating expenses of our growing religious Community. With your donation to this Fund, you also will assist with the maintenance of our Chapel of Divine Mercy and other residences on our property.
Seminarian Fund:
Your Donations help us to educate our Seminarians for the Priesthood, so that they can be well prepared to work in our Apostolates of Mercy. It costs approximately $20,000 per year to educate a future priest (and we currently have 6 men in the Seminary), so your support is extremely important!
New Building Project:
As our Community continues to grow, we are in the planning stages of building a gymnasium/multipurpose building (to host our ordinations and large events), as well as a new dormitory for future seminarians. Your donation to this fund will help us to build the next phase of the Fathers of Mercy.
Mission Donations:
If you attended one of our parish missions or retreats and were not able to make a donation at that time, you can do so through an online donation, or through mailing in a check or money order. Thank you for supporting our mission work!
Mass Intentions must be submitted by postal mail. Please write out the Intentions and specify the stipend being offered for each Mass (the offering is usually $10, depending on your dioceses).