Grace (Part III)

Sanctifying Grace

The supernatural state of being infused by God, which permanently inheres in the soul. It is a vital principal in the spiritual life, as the rational soul is a vital principal of a human being’s natural life. It is not a substance but a real quality that becomes part of the soul’s substance. Although commonly associated with the possession of the virtue of charity, sanctifying grace is yet distinct. Charity, rather belongs to the will, whereas Sanctifying Grace belongs to the whole soul, will, affections and mind. It is called Sanctifying grace because it makes holy those who possess this gift by giving them a participation in the Divine life. It is the zoe (eternal life: Greek) which Christ taught that He had in common with the Father and those who are in the state of grace share.

Justifying Grace

Is the grace by which a person is restored to God’s friendship, either for the first time, as in Baptism, or after baptism, in the sacrament of Penance.


About Fr. Lou Guardiola

Father Louis was born March 23rd, 1953 into a Mexican-American family in Detroit, Michigan. He has been a member of the Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima since 1967. He attended Loyola University of Chicago, graduating Cum Laude in Scholastic Philosophy and Classical languages in 1976, having studied four years of Latin and five years of Greek. He taught Religious Education for many years in Illinois, Michigan, Kentucky and Connecticut as a layperson, novice, religious brother, Deacon and Priest. He studied under Fr. John Hardon as a Lay Catechist for seven years (1989-96) assisting him in research for his articles, books, and catechisms and in coordinating conferences with bishops and cardinals. Father Louis entered religious life with the Fathers of Mercy in 1996. He studied at Holy Apostles Seminary 1997-2001, graduating with M.A. in Divinity and M.A. in Theology, Magna cum Laude and class valedictorian. He was ordained May 31st, 2001, then assigned as assistant Pastor of Sacred Heart Church and interim Pastor of St. Peter?s church 2001-2. Father now resides at the Fathers of Mercy Generalate in South Union, Kentucky when he is not preaching missions, retreats and 40 hours devotions. Fr. Louis, and other members of the congregation, in conjunction with The Real Presence Association , is available to: Come to your parish as Eucharistic Speakers to promote Perpetual Adoration and Education Come to your parish to conduct a 40 hours devotion Come to your parish to conduct a week-long Eucharistic mission or retreat