An Authentic Formation: Seeking Holiness as Religious
The Path to Becoming a Father of Mercy
A man accepted into the Fathers of Mercy seeks to become Christ’s instrument, as a dispenser of God’s Mercy, in the work of administering the Sacraments and calling back the prodigal children of God through the preaching of the Gospel.
- Formation begins with a period of Postulancy (which can last between 2-6 months).
- Once the time of postulancy is complete, the men enter into a year of Novitiate. The Novices spend their days learning about the spiritual life, being a religious, the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, and about the history and charism of the Fathers of Mercy. Their studies and daily life will be under the direction of the Novice Master, who will also assist them in discerning God’s Will in their lives.
- At the end of the Novitiate, the men petition to be received into the Fathers of Mercy and profess their First Vows of Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience, where they seek to follow Christ more perfectly in their whole life.
- After their First Profession, the new Brothers will continue their religious formation under the direction of the Student Master, and begin their studies for the Sacred Priesthood.