Boy Meets Girl: Lord Have Mercy

The Fathers of Mercy
The Fathers of Mercy
Boy Meets Girl: Lord Have Mercy

In this talk, given to teenage boys and girls at the King of Mercy Conference held at the Fathers of Mercy Generalate in Auburn, KY on Saturday, November 19, 2016, Fr. Ricardo Pineda offers insights from Jason Evert’s book Theology of His Body / Theology of Her Body, as well as from Sarah Swafford’s book Emotional Virtue, in order to encourage teens to have mercy on each other when it comes to interactions with members of the opposite sex.

About Fr. Ricardo Pineda

Fr. Ricardo was born on August 4, 1987, into a Catholic family of both Salvadoran and Mexican descent. He is a native of San Diego, California. Following high school, he attended the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana. While in studies at Notre Dame, he played trumpet in the marching Band of the Fighting Irish. In May of 2008, he graduated from Notre Dame with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy and a minor in Theology.